This page gives evidence based information on introducing a bioptic driving framework for Australia. The page will be updated with new resources overtime.
Below are two reports for public use. They were prepared as a pro bono project by large global consulting firm. The first is a presentation on Introducing an Australian Bioptic Driving Framework. The second is a country agnostic presentation of introducing a bioptic driving framework. The latter we offer to our friends internationally as a tool they are welcome to use to prepare their own presentation with country specific matters to address considerations for their decision makers.
Click on the image on the left (if viewing on the website or the top image if viewing in mobile mode) to download the PDF file of 'Introducing an Australian Bioptic Driving Framework.
Click on the image on the right (or bottom image if viewing in mobile mode) to download the PDF file of the country agnostic version.
Click here to download a text version of the presentation Introducing an Australian Bioptic Driving Framework.